About us
WE ARE a non-profit missions organization built on the foundation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, obeying Jesus’ simple command:
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).
WE DESIRE to carry and release the Isaiah 61 mandate and reality. Esh and Ruach’s sole purpose is to win souls and thereby expand the kingdom of heaven.
WE HOPE to be a bridge for many in the body of Christ to take a BOLD step of faith and activate their soul winning gift. Whether that is locally or overseas.
WE BELIEVE that the entire earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea! We will dig wells of revival through intercession, preaching, and a declaration of the word of God in territories, regions, cities, and nations.
As God sends us and leads us, we will plow, sow, and reap souls throughout the earth! As Jesus said in John 4:34, OUR HEART is “To do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work.”
HOW???? How do we do this? We work with local places of fellowship to train, equip, and provide opportunities for them to go with us on the field. If you are a Pastor, Director, or simply a gathering place we would love to provide this gift to your community.
BIRTHED in Lakeland, Florida, Esh and Ruach Missions is passionate about both the local community AND the unreached people groups around the globe. We long to be a battering ram against the citadel of darkness while loosing and establishing the kingdom of heaven in the earth! It will not be by strength, or might, but indeed by His Spirit.
There is only one thing better than going to heaven and that is bringing people with us!
Contending for His Glory,
Isaac Farias, Founder of Esh and Ruach Missions